Agents for Hope

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Agents For Hope & Camp Camby Unite to Help Kids

Agents for Hope has a mission circled around serving the community. Currently, Agents For Hope donates 20% of their profits to children charities. Justin Clements, founder, believes that the most successful businesses focus on helping other people first, then making a profit becomes a natural byproduct.

Helping others first can include solving others' problems with the help of technology, the alignment of teams rallying behind a mission or vision of serving a particular group of people in need, or just following the conceptual principles of the “Golden Rule” found in the book of Mathew chapter 7. That’s why Agents For Hope built their giving back mentality into their mission statement:

“Helping Agents, Helping Kids.”

Agents for Hope was presented with a unique opportunity to engage in a pilot program with Camp Camby. This pilot program helps teach a select group of residence new skills and develop and train them so that they can become more desirable in the job market. The residence participating are excited to learn new skills and strengthening their resumes, while doing work that will help generate giving to children in need. The Camp Camby team understands the that more independent health insurance agents we can help directly correlates to future revenue that can be donated to top children charities across the country.

Camp Camby is a transitional housing and job training community that comes alongside families who are in need. Located on 53 acres in Camby, Indiana, the camp is able to help up to 125 families at one time. Agents For Hope has the opportunity to partner alongside the camp to provide vocational training to their families.

The training allows residents to not only learn theoretical vocational skills, but allows them the hands-on ability to put the skills into practice. Currently, Agents For Hope is working with 8 individuals to teach customer service and call center skills and capabilities.

Denise, a Camp Camby resident working with Agents For Hope, explained “this is an awesome opportunity. It is hard to put the opportunity into one category because you learn so many skills.” The skills are numerous as they expand from phone communication to data entry, and more. Denise has a particular draw to Agents for Hope’s mission as she has two grandsons that were Riley kids – one of Agents For Hope many charity organizations that they donate to.

Agents For Hope and Camp Camby are both excited for this opportunity to see how the lives of the Camp Camby resident’s can be changed, as well as the lives of the children from the nonprofits Agents For Hope donates to.